Friday, May 22, 2015

Mad Max Is Not Healthy For Dogs And Other Living Things

So if you read my last entry, about my experience watching the first Mad Max film, I'm happy to report that my concerns over it's cult world or cult status are gone. I now totally understand why Mad Max is a thing and I now totally get all of the "fallen world without gas and roving mutant gangs of monsters" popular culture reference points. Happily the film clears all of that right away, right in the beginning of the film, with a few minute montage and a nice voice over telling you everything you need to know. It's like a live action Second Renaissance but without robots and more realistic because it's really plausible and there aren't robots. (Although, seriously, how great is the Second Renaissance? Still? To this day? A thousand years laters?)

(Spoiler's after the jump, mate)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mad Goose

Mad Max is one of those cult films that I heard a lot about growing up, but never got around to watching. It's also one of those films that even if you don't actually see it, it manages to find its way into your brain through the countless references, spoofs and mentions it gets throughout popular culture. With the new Mad Max film currently heating up the message boards (what?) and bringing in boffo reviews and wads of cash in the theatre, I thought it was time that I checked out the original 1979 film.

(Spoilers Below)